Elements of C

Before moving into the depth of c programming language let's have a look at the different elements of c .

These elements are necessary for making the structure of a c program .

If you want to know more about c programming language then read this post "Introduction to C Programming Language - Introduction , Basic and History ".

Character Set in C :-

It  combines  small  alphabets,  capital  alphabets,  digits  and  special symbols to write a program.
·       a-z(ASCII code->97-122)
·       A-Z(ASCII code->65-90)
·       0-9(ASCII code->48-57)
·       Special  Symbols 

 Constants in c :-

Constants are the fixed quantity whose value can never be change throughout the program execution.


1.    Integer constant-

-may be +ve or ve.

-range is -32768 to +32767

-size is 2 bytes

-examples are 9,-346

2.    Float/real constant-

-may be +ve or _ve

-range is -3.4x1038 to _3.4x1038

-size is 4 bytes

-examples are 1/3,-4.89

3.    Character/string constant

-if it is a character constant then it must be enclosed within a pair of single quote and size is one byte. ex-s(1 byte)

-if it is a string constant then it must be enclosed within a pair of double quote and size is not fixed. ex-“anil”(no range)

Q. As per constant definition a=2 then a can replace 2 and 2 can replace a in the program. The why we need a we can directly write 2 any where it will save 2 bytes of memory. 

Ans: Suppose we have create an application which take rate of interest while starting. 
Today return of investment (roi ) is 2% tomorrow it can be 3% if we write 2% directly into the program then we have change the code regularly  and compile it again & again.

Variables :-

These are the temporary named memory locations where the constant values are stored. 

Every constant value must be associated with a variable inside the memory.

Rules for constructing a variable:-

1.      variable name must starts with an alphabet or an underscore(_).

2.      Icannot starts with a digit.

3.      But digits can be placed after first place.

4.      No blank space is allowed while declaring a variable.

5.      Variable name length must not be more n 38 characters.

6.      No special symbols except underscore is allowed while declaring a variable.

Tokens :-

These  are  the  combinations  of  constants,  operators,  strings,  special symbols, keywords and identifiers.

Commenting Lines :-

These are used to deactivate line of code(s) which are present but not used inside the program.
1.      single line comment:-used to deactivate a single line using the symbol (//).


2.      multiline comment:-used to deactivate more than one line at a time.(/* */)
ex-/* int a;
printf(%d,a); */

Although comments are not necessary to use in a program but it increases the readibility of program and it also provided your program a professional look .


These are the user-defined words specially used for constructing variable, function or array. The length of identifiers must not be more than 31 characters.

Also , you cannot use some terms as identifier like c or microsoft as these terms are reserved for an special purpose . 

Identifiers in c are one of the most important thing.


These are the special symbols which are used for specific purposes for the programming like * is used for pointer and & is used for address.


These are also called as reserve words.

These are the pre-defined words which carry a special meaning for the compiler and we cannot change the name of these keywords. 

There are 32 keywords available in c language.

auto                        double                   int                     struct


 Datatypes  decides which type of dada a variable can take. 

It always used as a suffix for the variable. There are different types datatypes used in c programming language.

1. Primary datatype:- It is also called predefined/built-in/primitive datatype.


Datatype              Bytes                            RANGE                                    FS
short int2-32,768 to 32,767  %hd
unsigned short int20 to 65,535%hu
unsigned int40 to 4,294,967,295%u
int4-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647%d
long int4-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647%ld
unsigned long int40 to 4,294,967,295%lu
long long int8-(2^63) to (2^63)-1%lld
unsigned long long int80 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615%llu
signed char1-128 to 127%c
unsigned char10 to 255%c
long double12%Lf

2.      Secondary datatype:- It is categorized into two types.

i.                derived datatype:-
ex:-array, function, pointer

ii.               user-defined datatype:- ex-struct, union, enum

Pre-Processor directives :-

A pre-processor directive will always start with a special symbol (#) and is generally known as headerfile in the code .

It main usage is found in the process of  compilation it tells the compiler to do a specific task and finally on the basis of that compiler process the code .

If you want to know about best C or C++ compiler then read this post "Top Ide for C and C++ Developers - 2019 ".

You can comments us if you find anything inappropriate or you want to give more information for the topic described above .

Elements of C Elements of C Reviewed by Digital Roy on January 04, 2020 Rating: 5

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